R-intervals | | Tools for working with points and intervals |
R-IRdisplay (V) | | Jupyter display machinery |
R-IRkernel (V) | | Native R kernel for the Jupyter notebook |
R-ISLR | | Data for the ISLR book |
R-ISwR | | Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R' |
R-iterators (V) | | Provides iterator construct |
R-jpeg (V) | | Read and write JPEG images |
R-jsonlite (V) | | Robust, high performance JSON parser and generator for R |
R-knitr (V) | | General-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R |
R-labeling (V) | | Axis labeling |
R-later (V) | | Utilities for delaying function execution |
R-latex2exp (V) | | Use LaTeX expressions in plots |
R-latticeExtra (V) | | Extra graphical utilities based on lattice |
R-lazyeval (V) | | Lazy (non-standard) evaluation |
R-LearnBayes | | Functions for Learning Bayesian Inference |
R-lifecycle (V) | | Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions |
R-lintr (V) | | 'Linter' for R Code |
R-lme4 | | Linear mixed-effects models using Eigen and S4 |
R-lmm | | Linear mixed models |
R-lmtest | | Testing linear regression models |
R-lubridate (V) | | Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier |
R-lwgeom (V) | | Bindings to Selected 'liblwgeom' Functions for Simple Features |
R-magrittr (V) | | Forward-pipe operator for R |
R-mapdata (V) | | Extra Map Databases |
R-mapproj | | Map projections |
R-maps | | Draw geographical maps |
R-maptools (V) | | Tools for handling spatial objects |
R-markdown (V) | | Render Markdown with the C Library 'Sundown' |
R-MatrixModels | | Modelling with sparse and dense matrices |
R-memoise (V) | | Memoisation of functions |
R-microbenchmark (V) | | Accurate Timing Functions |
R-mime (V) | | Map filenames to MIME types |
R-miniUI (V) | | Shiny UI widgets for small screens |
R-minqa | | Derivative-free optimization algorithms by quadratic approximation |
R-mitools | | Tools for multiple imputation of missing data |
R-mnormt | | Multivariate normal and t distributions |
R-mockery (V) | | Mocking Library for R |
R-moonsun | | Basic astronomical calculations with R |
R-munsell (V) | | Utilities for using Munsell colours |
R-mvtnorm | | Multivariate normal and t distributions |
R-ncdf | | High-level R interface to Unidata's netCDF data files |
R-nimble | | MCMC, Particle Filtering, and Programmable Hierarchical Modeling |
R-nloptr | | R interface to NLopt |
R-nortest | | Tests for normality |
R-numDeriv | | Accurate numerical derivatives |
R-openssl (V) | | Toolkit for encryption, signatures and certificates based on OpenSSL |
R-openxlsx (V) | | Read, write and edit XLSX files |
R-osmar (V) | | OpenStreetMap and R |
R-osmdata (V) | | Import 'OpenStreetMap' Data as Simple Features or Spatial Objects |
R-pbdZMQ (V) | | Interface to ZeroMQ |
R-pbkrtest | | Parametric bootstrap and Kenward Roger based methods for mixed model comparison |
R-PHYLOGR | | Functions for phylogenetically based statistical analyses |
R-pillar (V) | | Coloured formatting for columns |
R-pingr (V) | | Check if a Remote Computer is Up |
R-pixmap | | Functions for manipulations of bitmaps with R |
R-pkgbuild (V) | | Find tools needed to build R packages |
R-pkgconfig (V) | | Private configuration for R packages |
R-pkgKitten (V) | | Create Simple Packages Which Do not Upset R Package Checks |
R-pkgload (V) | | Simulate package installation and attach |
R-plogr (V) | | The 'plog' C++ logging library |
R-plyr | | Tools for splitting, applying and combining data |
R-png (V) | | Read and write PNG images |
R-polyclip (V) | | Polygon Clipping |
R-popbio (V) | | Construction and Analysis of Matrix Population Models |
R-poweRlaw | | Analysis of heavy tailed distributions |
R-praise (V) | | Praise users |
R-prettycode (V) | | Pretty Print R Code in the Terminal |
R-prettymapr (V) | | Scale Bar, North Arrow, and Pretty Margins in R |
R-prettyunits | | Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities |
R-prob | | Elementary probability on finite sample spaces |
R-processx (V) | | Execute and control system processes |
R-progress (V) | | Terminal progress bars |
R-promises (V) | | Abstractions for promise-based asynchronous programming |
R-proto (V) | | Prototype object-based programming |
R-ps (V) | | List, query, manipulate system processes |
R-psych | | Procedures for psychological and psychometric research |
R-purrr (V) | | Functional programming tools |
R-quadprog | | Functions to solve quadratic programming problems |
R-quantmod (V) | | Quantitative financial modelling framework |
R-quantreg | | Quantile regression |
R-R2HTML | | HTML exportation for R objects |
R-R6 (V) | | Encapsulated classes with reference semantics |
R-RandomFields | | Simulation and analysis of random fields |
R-RandomFieldsUtils | | Utilities for the simulation and analysis of random fields |
R-randomForest | | Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression |
R-RArcInfo | | Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages |
R-raster (V) | | Geographic Data Analysis and Modeling |
R-rbenchmark (V) | | Benchmarking routine for R |
R-rcmdcheck (V) | | Run 'R CMD check' from 'R' and capture results |
R-Rcmdr | | Platform-independent basic-statistics GUI for R |
R-RcmdrMisc | | R Commander miscellaneous functions |
R-RColorBrewer | | ColorBrewer palettes |
R-Rcpp (V) | | Seamless R and C++ integration |
R-RcppArmadillo | | Rcpp integration for the Armadillo templated linear algebra library |
R-RcppEigen | | Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library |
R-RCurl (V) | | General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R |
R-readr (V) | | Read rectangular text data |
R-readstata13 (V) | | Import 'Stata' data files |
R-readxl (V) | | Read Excel files |
R-relimp | | Relative contribution of effects in a regression model |